Sunday, December 2

lee hyun - heartache

A perfect song that could be describe mine now..

Lee Hyun - Heartache

Turn around and look at me, 
stay by my side turn your head
You only look at other places like always
you always look at far places

Living while seeing you love that other person
Do you know that is my love for you?

My heartache, only looking at you, not having you with me
I become used to it like a habit so I don’t even know that it hurts
Though tears form, I don’t say anything and I need to smile
But like a habit, I foolishly love you in front of you
So tears come

If you are suffering even once
please look at me

Don’t cry, don’t cry, I pray as I look at you
Do you know this hope of mine?

My heartache, only looking at you, not having you with me
I become used to it like a habit so I don’t even know that it hurts
Though tears form, I don’t say anything and I need to smile
But like a habit, I foolishly love you in front of you
So I smile like this

My heartache, only looking at you

Pretending not to know, pretending that it’s not, pretending I didn’t see it
This is the love that I secretly learned as I met you every single day
Though I long for you, I want to hold onto you, I want to just hug you
But I couldn’t even say the words, I love you, and I turned away
Though I long for you

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