two years..
I had a dream about our last farewell
It looked like YESTERDAY..
I lost everything bout you
And I lost my mind in the morning TT
Hello there Lil Angel~
be an angel for lil Kiel yaaah ^^
cycle of my life
two years..
I had a dream about our last farewell
It looked like YESTERDAY..
I lost everything bout you
And I lost my mind in the morning TT
Hello there Lil Angel~
be an angel for lil Kiel yaaah ^^
1. Aq mengakui bahwa Allah itu: Mulia, Berkuasa, Baik
2. Aq mengakui bahwa aq lemah
Ketika kita tidak berdoa,
dan dlm kondisi baik:
1. Bukan krn kita kuat
2. Ada yg berdoa n mendoakan kita
Tetaplah berdoa n mendoakan yg lain
Mazmur 112 : 1
Berbahagialah orang
yang takut akan TUHAN,
yang sangat suka kepada segala perintah-Nya.
Ada saat nya kita bersedih dan harus mencucurkan air mata,
Ada saat nya kita berbahagia dan membuat tertawa,
Ada saat nya kita tidak bisa berkata-kata,
Mungkin Tuhan sedang memberikan kelegaan bagi kita,, bersyukurlah
#HitTheStage #DevilsMatch #JBlackCrew
Look at their expressions, rise of the Jombiiii, I got thrill from 00.01 😱
Great concept, nice costume n make up. And their DANCES, absolutely creepy
Awalnya nungguin Bora Sistar, kapincut ama Momo Twice, trus trus trus yg iniiiiii.
Hayuuuuuuk, EngSub mana EngSuuuub, jebaaaaaal
Hey you, get off my cloud~
#CL #Lifted #CLLifted
Lucky you, had a comeback as an outsider.. Free from banned, xixixixiiii
ET-style, such a super catchy song ^^
"nyuk", "gampil", "jidatmu", "palelu", "matamu", "blekok",...
Somplak word that comes from DraKor, ekekekekek.. Epic subs, Broo~
Such a light and fresh storyline. Even some Ghosts are horror (dem, I can't watch them alone),, but simple-minded Kim So Hyun could brighter my day, gomawoo ^^
Here we go: "Hey Ghost, Let's Fight" aka "Bring It On, Ghost" aka "Let's Fight Ghost"
Castings: cool Taec Yeon & tengil Kim So Hyun
Watching this DraKor, remind me of you, Lil Angel #OMY
Hello, have you been okay?
Is your face cute like before?
A bit of my late regards and our late parting,
I put into writing..
* tears drop in the rain *
Betapa ku mencintaiMu
Segala yang t’lah terjadi
Tak pernah sendiri jalani hidup ini
Selalu menyertai
Betapa ku menyadari
Di dalam hidupku ini
Kau s’lalu memberi rancangan terbaik
Oleh karena kasih
Bapa, sentuh hatiku, ubah hidupku
Menjadi yang baru
Bagai, emas yang murni
Kau membentuk bejana hatiku
Bapa, ajarku mengerti sebuah kasih
Yang selalu memberi
Bagai, air mengalir
Yang tiada pernah berhenti.
A song that always bring me to tears~